Gursh Mendhir

Principal, Innovation

Gursh Mendhir


Gursh joined True's Innovation team in September 2023. Her background is a blend of strategy, innovation, venturing and product, which brings varied perspectives to the kind of work we do at True. She spent the first few years of her career in both Strategy and Venturing at Deloitte, and then founded Virgin Media O2's digital innovation department. She is a lifelong learner with varied interests, including the piano, art, psychology and wellbeing. When not working, she will most likely be eating at a new restaurant, working said restaurant meal off at a fitness class, or hiking somewhere greener than Zone 1.

meet Gursh

Why did you choose True?

Nobody's doing what we're doing, in the way we're doing it, and for the same reason we're doing it. We have a unique business model to generate value across the capital spectrum, we genuinely show up for each other in a way I've not seen before, and with purpose at our core. It's just different, in a great way.

How would you describe your job to a five-year-old?

I work with a bunch of awesome people – together we help big companies that you probably will have heard of or might have bought something from. We use exciting new technologies to help them do things better or do new and exciting things.

What book, article or movie has profoundly impacted your life?

"A Century of Wisdom: Lessons from the Life of Alice Herz-Sommer". Alice, a renowed pianist and supercentenarian, lived an amazing life – she survived the Theresienstadt concentration camp, attended Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem, and along the way befriended fascinating historical figures, from Franz Kafka to Gustav Mahler, Leonard Bernstein and Golda Meir. As a pianist, this book really spoke to me. It emphasised the importance of a simple life, intellectual curiosity, gratitude and optimism.

If you could reimagine something to make life easier for people, what would it be?

Access to financial literacy and mental health services - particularly for women in communities with higher gender inequality.

What innovation are you most excited about disrupting the current retail and consumer landscape?

AI & data analytics giving us more information about how we're living - our sleep, our diets, our movement, our moods and energy. I think we might see some considerable lifestyle shifts and exciting, useful products as a result.

true cv

Gursh’s expertise at True:

Gursh has been heavily involved in projects including, but not limited to, 7-Eleven, Abercrombie & Fitch and Associated British Foods.